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privacy policy


To report any abuse or violations of the Online Drugstore service, please  send us a message . We will follow up with you and make every effort to trace the origin of the message. Feel free to  contact us  with any questions or concerns regarding this privacy policy. 

We will use your shipping address only to send the ordered product to you. If you supply us with your telephone number on-line, we will use it to contact you with information regarding your account, orders you have placed, or with information regarding your inquiry. We will not send you information about additional services that we offer without your agreement and we will not rent or sell your contact information to any third parties without your permission. 

The information we collect is used to create an aggregate demographic profile of our user base so that we can improve the content and services of our website and provide aggregate information to potential advertisers (no individual information is provided to any third-party without your consent ), to customize the content and/or layout of our page for each individual visitor, to notify consumers about updates to our web site and services, to send visitors our opt-in e-mail newsletter(s) (if requested by the visitor ), to provide users with the products and/or services for which they signed-up or registered which may include sending service disruption notices or other service- or product-related information via e-mail, and is not shared with other organizations for commercial purposes without the visitor's consent. 

Online Drugstore is not an email list rental service and does not rent or sell any email addresses or other contact information that you provide.  




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